Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Day 197-July 16, 2014

My head is killing me. I put the labels on my mini catalogs last night and then my youngest daughter put the larger catalogs in the hostess packets. I am going to keep trying to get parties booked but doesn't look good. I am going to get with my upline about getting online sales and individual sales. I want to get this going but can't seem to get there. I tried crocheting again and still having issues learning. I may have to do some plastic canvas items to sell and see what I can do. I am so exhausted. I still feel so lost. I want to do something that is mine and direct sales is someone else's but even though I love the products I have been with ThirtyOne for almost a year and have booked 2 parties (one at the end of this month and one at the end of next month) and thinking about cancelling them just because I don't think that I can do this. I am so tired of failing because I can't find something that is true to me. I wish I could get the support that I am giving my Boot Camp ladies. Maybe keep looking into the boot camp thing. That seems to be pretty good but they are 12 week programs and I am only doing one at a time. I have been trying to find myself and redefine myself at the same time and it is not working.

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