Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Day 273-September 30, 2014

Okay, it is the end of the month at work and I have finally gotten everything caught up. Yippee! I made my boss more money! Hope you can sense my sarcasm. I have all of the pieces cut and just have to get my tension right on the top of my sewing machine, then I am in business. I am so tired but I know I have to keep moving forward to get to my goal.

I still have my boot camp getting started. I am holding 30 spots and if I can get the money together from that I will start selling Mary Kay. I use the products, so why not sell it? I just hope I can get enough people together. I messaged my best friend last night asking her to help me get people in the boot camp to help me get signed up as soon as possible. It sucks having stress on top of headaches on top of knowing that I need to get done and not being able to get it done fast enough. :(

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