Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day 254-September 11, 2014

Today is the 13th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. It is a cloudy and somber day as is every year it seems. It is like Mother Nature knows what day it is. I am feeling a little better today. I did finally decide the next project I am doing. I am going to work on the book marks and the teachers gifts which will be pen holders with a teacher theme. Something simple that is not going to drive me mad making them like the stockings did a few years ago.

I did do some advertising last night and was looking at a website today about doing a fundraiser. I am thinking about doing one for the Pink Lady Project. Just have to figure out how much I am going to need to do what I am wanting to do. Let me tell you why I want to do this.

My Aunt Brenda was 62 years old when she passed away from her 2nd battle with Breast Cancer. She was mentally and physically handicapped and could not do anything for herself. The kind of BC that she had was the kind that fed off of hormones so Chemo and Radiation would not touch it. When she was originally diagnosed in 2004 she had a mastectomy and was given hormone blockers to take twice a day. You are only supposed to be on that kind of med for about 2-3 years but the doctor left her on them for longer. She was finally taken off of the meds in 2010 and was considered cancer free. She was only a week short of 8 years cancer free when she was diagnosed again with the same kind of BC only this time the meds would not touch it because her body had built an immunity to them. She lost her battle on March 16, 2013 (one day before my wedding anniversary) and I have decided that the Pink Lady Project is my way of coping with losing her. I refused to deal with it until I found a healthy way to cope. This just seems right.

I have been looking for ways to raise the money for the gift bags and I think I have figured it out but you all will have to wait and see. I am still working on getting my business going but putting all of my focus on both projects and making sure that I have all of my ducks in a row.

Once I get the bookmarks made I will start working on Christmas ornament sets to make and sell. Those will be added to the website. I am going to make a section for all holidays on my website.

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