Monday, November 17, 2014

Day 320-November 16, 2014

Hubby and I spent the majority of the day driving the 5 hours round trip to pick up our son from the airport. It was wonderful. Finally having him home and he is such a trip. The Army has made him grow up a lot! I am very proud of the man he has become. So, as you see, I didn't get anything done yesterday and probably will not work on much until Wednesday. We have games at the church tonight and then bowling tomorrow night. I am still deciding what patterns for the bookmarks to use.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Day 319-November 15, 2014

Well the fabric bookmarks won't work. So I cut 40 pieces of plastic canvas and now have to decide what to put on them. I will get clear bags and put candy in with it and pencils and such. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Day 318-November 14, 2014

Finally Friday! I didn't get anything done last night but spend time with my hubby and kids. Tonight I will start the embroidery but have to cut the interfacing first. I want to get all of those done first. I will also put some of the pieces (the extra) up to make a blanket or something later. Once I get all of the embroidery done I can get them sewn shut and get started on the coffee cozies. I plan to work on that most of the weekend until time to leave to get my stepson from the airport. Going to be a busy weekend.

I have decided that I am going to make two baby blankets. One for my granddaughter and one for the upcoming baby. I just have to get the material. I am also going to sit this weekend and plan out the week coming up for my MK business. I really want to get things going in full swing but just have to figure out how to get there. I am still $87 from my goal and then I start making 50% profit. Since everyone pays up front I will make my money as soon as the order is placed.

I am trying to figure out how to get myself set up somewhere. I have to do my business cards tonight. I will put them on the back of my LBE business cards until I can get more ink and business cards for my printer and then I will make my own. I am also going to make a sign with my info for my car window but also one to put my cling on to put in the back window that is removable when hubby is driving the car.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Day 317-November 13, 2014

Today is Thursday and I have been looking online for patterns to embroider on the bookmarks that I am making. I am going to cut the batting material to put in the center of it to make it look kind of quilted. I am going to pin the material together and then start the embroidery and then sew them closed. I am also making four coffee cozies for the teachers. Each of my girls have 2 teachers each. But I am only making the bookmarks for the homerooms. I have looked at zombie designs to put on the ones for the boys and then some "girly" designs for the ones for the girls. I am looking at things to embroider on the coffee cozies now.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Day 316-November 12, 2014

It is Wednesday and we are half way through the week. I had my MK conference call last night and got a few ideas but I took my day planner and wrote down some of the things I need to do and broke them up into a seven day plan where each day concentrates on one certain aspect of the business. Maybe that will help keep me organized and I can also plan my to-do list around that aspect and maybe get more done. Hope it works.

I didn't work on the bookmarks last night like I was going to. I got home from work and my hubby invited me to go with him to the church to play cornhole and I really needed some time out. It was really fun but the men at the church were picking on me saying that I could not play as good as a man...that is...until I beat It was relaxing and when I came home I was able to sit and concentrate on what I needed to do and that was get organized.

I had another customer order come in and will deliver that one tomorrow. I am getting closer and closer to my $225 goal. I just have to figure out a way to get there...soon. I emailed my upline and waiting still to hear back on some of the things. We did talk about a few things last night on the call but still looking for ideas. I am thinking of doing a Turkey Trot to get some orders. I think I will post about that later on today on FB and see where it goes.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Day 315-November 11, 2014

Tuesday morning and I am feeling a little better and more positive. I delivered one order to my hostess from the catalog party and then I have one more that I have to deliver tomorrow. I still only need $87 in orders to get to my goal of $225. I can do this but I just have to figure out how. I am thinking about talking to some people about meeting up for coffee here in a could of weeks and bringing my kit to let them test things on their hands and go from there. I still have to go thought my patterns to look for ornament sets and start cutting them. I also have to get started on the bookmarks for the kids' classes. I have so much to do.

I think tonight I will get out the embroidery thread and hoop and get started on the embroidery. I will put things on there like "Imagine", "Adventure", and things like that on the bookmarks. Just something simple.

I emailed my upline for ideas to do a fundraiser for my pink lady bags to give to cancer patients. Just waiting on a response. We have a conference call tonight and I will ask about it then too. I really want to do well with MK and really want to be able to quit my job. It is not just that I want to be at home with the kids but I love spending time with hubby while the kids are at school. I know that after the first of the year I am going to have a week's paid vacation and am going to start planning that out this week as well. I want to do something like a Pink Lady Lunch and do mini sessions during lunch breaks and while I am there with them I can talk them into doing a catalog show.

I love MK and my crafts. I am also thinking about getting more items made and then going to the flea market. But I have decided that since I don't have my business cards yet for MK I will put my info for MK on the back of the business cards for my LBE business. That way I can get more out of it. When I get more ink for my printer and get the business cards to print on I will be printing on both sides of the business cards and make dual cards.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Day 314-November 10, 2014

Monday morning and I am still tired from the weekend. We had my daughter's birthday party Saturday and then her birthday was yesterday so I didn't do much of anything as far as my business goes. I did post a 24/24/24 event on Facebook to get 24 orders for $24 in 24 hours. I will work on that some tonight too. I also need to work on the kids' Christmas gifts for their classes. I don't have all I need for the hand warmers so they are becoming bookmarks and hopefully will turn out well. I just have to do some embroidery on them to make them look a little better. It will be good I hope.

As far as my MK business goes, I will be posting online about getting to my goal of $87 in orders to get me to my $225 goal. Then things will be better because for every order I get I can order inventory for cash and carry items. I just hope that things go well. I really need this in order to get to being a sahm. I am so tired of struggling. When income tax comes in I will be spending some of it getting inventory and getting me a carry all bag for them. I want to start doing vendor shows but need to plan them out more so that I can. I will also be making more items to sell with my craft business. I am going to do both. That should double my chances of getting where I need to be.

I know I will get there but might take me more than the 365 days to do it. We will see.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Day 313-November 9, 2014

Today my little girl turned 9. He is growing up so much. I have spent the weekend with my family and relaxing. Tomorrow it is back to the hard core Mary Kay. I have created an event for a 24/24/24 which is 24 orders for $24 in 24 hours. I did the event on Facebook and Hope it works. All I need is $87 and I am at my goal. Also will be looking at new goals tomorrow and how to get there. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Day 312-November 8, 2014

I talked to my upline yesterday and found out I am only $87 from getting my 50% discount. I just want to get there. I'm still thinking about posting a channel on YouTube for my Mary Kay and my craft business. I am exhausted. Spent the entire night up talking to hubby. Didn't go to bed until 4am and back up at 8am. Have my daughters birthday party today. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Day 311-November 7, 2014

Finally Friday!!! And payday!!! We are having my daughter's birthday party this weekend and then her birthday is Sunday. So, she starts running a fever this morning. Poor baby can't catch a break. And daddy is the one there with her. She is going to be 9 on Sunday and still wants mommy when she is sick but where am I? At work. I hate this. This is why I want to be a sahm.

I have been posting more about Mary Kay and even offered a free gift for doing a catalog party and no one is biting. I don't know what I am going to do. I still have to get $312 in orders to even start making money. How is that possible? I can't get anyone to book pampering sessions even offering my home to do it. I don't know what to do. I am also working on my crafts again.

It being close to the holidays I am going to get some holiday things done after the bookmarks for the kids. I have to dig out my business cards and work on some ribbon pins and lapel pins to give out too. I need to start giving out more of the things I have in the car. I am also going to finally make the signs for both Mary Kay and LBE to get things going. Maybe something will come of it.

I am tired of stressing out all the time. I will work day and night and not sleep if I have to so that I can get away from here. That is what I need to do. I will go through some things this weekend and see what would be something good to make as far as the ornament sets. I know hubby is tired of me being stressed all the time. He would rather me do my craft business. I think I can do both but I am not comfortable doing parties so I will stick to my online stuff and see where that goes. I will also be posting things around town to get orders.

I will get with my upline for ideas.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Day 310-November 6, 2014

I am so tired and stressed and my depression is peaking its evil little head. I just want to be at home in bed with the covers over my head. I have been trying to get orders with my MK and having no luck. I was talking to hubby last night and while he is supporting me being with MK he still wants me to do my craft business. And that would be fine but I have nowhere to work where it will not disturb everyone else in the house. I can do my plastic canvas and that not bother anyone but my sewing machine is loud. I need my own office/craft room. I want to do my crafts but I like feeling like I am a part of something. I am just tired all together. I am over getting fussed at because of something someone else does. I am tired of not even making it paycheck to paycheck. Hubby got a job offer but has not been able to start the job yet so it is still leaving just me. Everything lies on my shoulders and I can't deal with. it. I want things too. I am tired of having to be the responsible one and having to put my dreams on the back burner so that he can live his. I told him last night I didn't know what to do. I told him that I didn't want to work for someone else the rest of my life but that I was just going to give up. I told him I would stop selling MK if I didn't get anymore orders by the end of the month. I told him that I would quit my craft business too if I didn't get any orders. I can't do this anymore. I want to be a sahm but that is not an option for me. It would be if he were working full time (even still umpiring with it) but that is not going to happen. I am the one yet again that has to give up everything to take care of my responsibilities. When will it be my turn to be happy? What did I do to make God hate me so much that I have to live this crappy life? I love hubby and my kids but I can't do this anymore.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Day 309-November 5, 2014

It is Wednesday and I am already over this week. I need to get something going soon to get out of here. I don't know how much longer I can bite my tongue and keep to myself. I got off work yesterday and my blood pressure was up so high I was sick to my stomach and my head was pounding. I didn't tell hubby what was going on but he could tell something was up. He got me laughing and talking about other things until my blood pressure was down. I love that man. Then he told me to give him until the end of the year or at least until Christmas before I quit and we would go from there. He wants be to be able to be at home and not deal with things anymore.

I have been looking at the hand warmers and will start those back today. I will also be texting and messaging everyone I can think of telling them that this is my goal and that I really need their help. I have several people that are interested in being models so that will work for me too I hope. I can get them to do catalog parties and book pampering sessions.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Day 308-November 4, 2014

I am fighting a migraine today but the thing is that it didn't start until I got to work. I am so over this place and can't get out of here fast enough. Good news though. Hubby got a job offer last night that is $18 an hour and will work around his baseball. If all goes well, I should be able to quit my job soon. Lord, I hope so. I can't take the judgment and being made fun of anymore at this job. It is horrible. I thought when I was hired in full time after my 90 days that this was a good job but it has slowly turned out that I was wrong. I go home wanting to cry. That is not the kind of job I want for myself.

I am still working my Mary Kay and have decided to get models for a portfolio and that will get me leads.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Day 307-November 3, 2014

Here it is, Monday, and the beginning of the month. I have a goal of getting $450 for the month. I am not going to stop until I get there. I have been talking to my upline about things to do this month to get there. I have done my $35000 list and these are the thing on it.

  1. Book 2 catalog shows
  2. Book 1 pampering session
  3. Email Director about doing a portfolio
  4. Ask friends to be models
  5. Study my beauty book for upcoming booking
  6. Post on my fan page
I have until the end of today to complete these tasks. Should not be too hard. I try to put things on there that I know I need to do but try not to overwhelm myself. I have to print my November calendar out from my Director and then tonight I will sit down and plan out my month and what I need to do. I have four weeks this month and that leaves me needing $112.50 in orders each week. If I do one catalog party each week that should do it. Now just to get them to book it. I will also shoot to do the things that my Director has set for me on the calendar on top of what I plan. It will be a busy month but I can do this. I just have to stay positive and go from there.

I really need this change in my life right now. I am tired of struggling and it is getting worse at my day job. I am really not happy there. My plan is still to be out of here by the end of the year but if it takes longer I will deal.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Day 306-November 2, 2014

Happy Sunday. This week I am working on bookings. If I get the bookings I can get the orders. I got my first booking. I am also going to try to get a couple of catalog parties going. Maybe I can get something going. I am not going to stress. I submitted my first order yesterday so that is a good start. I am about to do my daily $35000 list. I am only putting a few items on it so that I don't get overwhelmed. If I am not at work I will be all about Mary Kay. I am also talking to my upline about Black Friday sales. I am going to talk to my BFF to see what she is doing and working on things for myself. 

I am also thinking about posting daily on a YouTube channel that I will call Mary Kay Momma. I will talk about products and sales and talk about the opportunity and maybe get my name out there more. I have my fan page up and will post the videos to it as well. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Day 305-November 1, 2014

Okay. Kids racked up last night and I handed out about 2 dozen goody bags. The kids racked up with candy. I submitted my first order that was $103 before tax. Still have to submit my order for the satin hands set Friday. Then I have $312 and I start making profit. I am talking to my upline to get ideas. 

Friday, October 31, 2014

Day 304-October 31, 2014

It is Halloween! I have my goody bags ready for tonight and have my costume all planned out. I will be a Mary Kay Construction Worker. I am using my Pink hard hat from work and hubby's old tool belt from when he built houses. I will have the goody bags in my pouch to give out. I will be handing them out at the church and then sending texts and messages on Facebook to local friends to get pampering sessions booked. I am also going to talk to a couple of people about getting together at my house for a practice session. I will also look at youtube videos and the ones on the website and see about how to do one. I will talk to my upline as well about how to do one. I will talk to hubby tonight about using our house next weekend for the open house.

I will take my markers tonight and make my signs and put them on boxes and such. I am also going to get with my upline and see what we can do for black Friday or something like that.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Day 303-October 30, 2014

It is the day before Halloween. Not only am I no where near my goal of 6 Satin Hands Sets by tomorrow night but I also have to finish getting my goody bags ready for the party tomorrow night. I have so much I want to do. I am looking for $450 in orders and I have $112 and waiting on one $35 payment. That leaves me $303 to get to my goal. Then I can get my 50% commission. I may just go ahead and order what I have and then go from there. I have emailed my upline to get ideas and will be posting about $10 items and such. I will also have a drawing that everyone that places an order over $20 gets in a drawing for a free gift. I am also going to talk to a few people about catalog parties for me and then maybe set up this weekend somewhere with a sign to see your MK consultant. I am going to get a few things made up too like goody bags. I am going to do an envelope drawing too.

I am not feeling very well this morning and hubby was ill last night. I hope there is not something going around. I can't afford to be sick. I can't take off work if I do get sick. I will be, from here out, what time I am not at my day job I am full on Mary Kay until I get to my goal. I am going to call my cousin Kathy about setting up outside her shop for a few hours this weekend and do on the spot pamper sessions. I still need to find out if my upline has gotten with the local director to help me get to my $450 goal. I will also message a friend of mine that does it too and see if she can help me with ideas. I know she will help me.

I just checked my PayPal and one person has paid for a Satin Hands Set. YAY! Only 5 more to go by tomorrow night. I can't wait! I am so excited! I am thinking about if I can't set up at my cousin's beauty salon then I will just find a place and set up. I will have my chair, my bag and my sign. I can do the pampering session on their hands and go from there. I will do this but have to get my head straight. I know I keep saying that but it is true. I have to keep telling myself it will happen and that I will get there and stop getting discouraged. I have to stop getting it in my head that I might not be able to do it. I just have to remind myself that it will come and to do one thing at a time. I have to remember that I don't have to do it least not all at once. I just have to get over this one hurdle and I will be good to go. I have send the email to my upline and just waiting on a response. I still have six more hours of work and I can get started so there is still time. I will message my friend on my lunch break along with some others about getting orders. I have a sample set of the Satin Hands so I will use that as a prize to get orders. I really want to do this. I truly am excited and want to get to the point where I can quit my job. I will get these orders and once I am there I will find out what I need to make Saphire status and go from there.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Day 302-October 29, 2014

I created my first $35000 list and before bed last night I had 3 of the 6 completed. I put the 3 that were left on  the top of my list and added 3 more. We had our conference call last night and I have set my goal to have 6 Satin Hands Sets sold by Halloween. They are $35 each plus tax. That is $38.41 total after tax. I am even going to tell people that I will wrap it up for the holidays. I am going to call it "Thankful 4 Mom" Set. I am also going to take a picture of hubby's cracked feet and then use the Satin Hands on them and then take the after picture in a few days to show how well it works. I will do that in a few days though.

I am still feeling a little under the weather but that is okay. I will still carry on. I have to. I am starting a newsletter as well to send out through email from my website that will feature the hostesses and things coming up. That should help me too. I am going to tell everyone that I am starting this news letter and that I will be sending emails and that all I need is their email address. Then we will go from there.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 301-October 28, 2014

Tuesday morning and I feel a little better than yesterday. I did accomplish most of the things on my $35,000 list. I made a new one and will put it on a post it note to keep on my planner to see all the time. I also called and spoke to my Director last night and she was telling me that to place my first $225 order that I need $450 in retail sales. I have $112.55 so that leaves $337.45 so she told me to sell 5 Satin Hands Sets and that would get me there. She told me that for my first "party" that $112.55 was a good start. And I have contact info for six new customers including my hostess. Those are leads and not a bad start to them either.

I told my Director that I made my list and that I read the book and she told me that most Consultants don't read the book and that she has seen that the ones that do seem to grasp the concept of Mary Kay better. While I was meeting with my hostess we started sharing ideas and are talking about doing a few things together. I explained to my Director that my goal was to set up and give out info at hubby's tournaments next season and she said that we could not sell at those but it was a great way to get leads. I told her my goal was to get pampering sessions booked from them. The sales would come after that. I also want to save up and have hubby build me an office. Not just an office but a place where I can hold these sessions if a hostess tells me she doesn't have room in her home. I know I can get him to build it. But first things first. Once I start getting sessions booked and get the orders coming in I will be able to get to my ultimate goal of being a sahm.

My daughter has a field trip today to the Nature Center and I would have loved to have gone with her but having to work, I couldn't. She told me last night that she understood and then her and her little sister asked me what they needed to do to help me be able to. I love that my kids and my hubby are being so supportive. Seems like we are all getting closer now and that is one of the things I wanted was a better relationship with my family.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 300-October 27, 2014

Monday morning and I am exhausted but in a good mood. We didn't get back until way late last night but it was worth the trip. I have a lot to do today after my day job. I have to meet with a hostess right after work and pick up her orders from her catalog party. I then have to go home and get all the info entered and then get it paid. I will then count my commissions. This will be my first set of orders so I am excited to see how I did. I know it will not be much but it will be a start and that is all I need. All of my commissions are being used to get inventory with. That is money that will not be touched. I can't wait to see how much though. I told my hostess that I would give her 10% off of her order or one item at half off whichever is larger. The thing with my MK business is that I can do it how I want. I will still make money.

I am also going to make my goals list and tonight I will make my affirmations on post it notes and leave them on my planner since it pretty much goes everywhere with me. I have to log my miles too for the meeting so that I can keep up with how many miles I am putting on my car for "work." Let's get this thing started.

Day 299-October 26, 2014

I spent the entire day at the ball field all day again and didn't get home until after midnight. That was a long day and a long drive. But while there, I finished reading my MK book, thought about a few things and had time to bounce ideas off of hubby on the way home. I know he was tired but he still listened and gave his input. There were a couple of ideas that he thought that I should wait on, like, the 10 party day, until I get a little inventory built up and I have to agree. He did tell me that I need to make signs. Not flyers, but signs. He told me that I have all of that printer paper and post office shipping boxes that are just sitting there. He told me to create and print some signs to put on the car while we are parked, some to post around town and he would help me put them up. I did tell him that I wanted enough inventory built up by the first of next year so that I can set up at his ball tournaments and told him that the kids could help me. He said that would be good and that the kids could help me make goody bags with info and they could hand them out as people walked in the gates and then if they were interested that they could come to the booth when time was good for them. I told him we made a good team.

I did tell him that in the MK "Bible" that Mary Kay does talk about a $35,000 list. I explained the list and he told me that this would be a good thing for me to start doing. But told me that I first needed to make a list of my long term goals and break them down into smaller goals and then create my list from those smaller goals. I was already going to make the list but didn't think about it in that aspect. I told him that the book said that it was important for my family to understand why I am doing this. He understands why. He knows I am not happy with my job and knows I am doing what I feel I need to do to change it. It was amazing to get to go out of town with him this weekend just the two of us (even if most of the time we were on the field) but not so amazing knowing that getting in after midnight that I still had to get up and go to my day job. I told him that there WILL be a day where we can all pick up and go out of town with him and not have to worry about getting up for work the next day or being tired before the trip even begins because of working all day the day we leave. I know I won't be able to really work on my $35,000 list until I get off of work each day but I can and will do this. I also told him that there WILL also be a day where we can wake up, get the kids off to school, get everything done (work wise) and be done by the time the kids get home from school and all the bills be paid and still have money after all is said and done. I am not looking to get rich but I am looking to better myself and my family's situation. I want us to be able to look at a field trip slip from our kids' school and not have to wait until the last minute to pay the fee because we have to wait until one of us gets paid.

I was talking to hubby last night too and told him that I have busted my butt at a job that I am not happy with and pushing forward when I didn't feel like it (being sick, depressed, etc) and did it so that he could get established in a "career" that he loves and enjoys (he umpires baseball and I have never seen him happier) and that now it was time for me to get myself established in a career that I love. He agreed. I told him that I would not quit my job until I knew we could afford it but that I was going to need his help getting started. He is behind me whole heartedly. This will work.

I am going to make my list of long term goals, break them down to short term goals to help me get there and then send to my upline to see where I need to go from here to get there. My upline has been amazing. For the first time in my life I honestly feel like I can do this. It may take me longer than the 365 days stated in the title of this blog but I will still post and keep updates until I get there. Then it will be Day 1 as a sahm. Let's do this.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day 298-October 25, 2014

Sitting at the ball field all day I see a sea of pink from not only parents but players. The more I see sports supporting breast cancer awareness the more I respect the sports themselves. But it has made me think. I have been going about life the wrong way. Worrying about the bad coming about and less about the beauty behind it all. As much as I want to e a sahm the more determined I am becoming. I was reading the autobiography that came with my MK kit and every word seems like she is talking right to me...and to my heart. That is where I need to start. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Day 297-October 24, 2014

Here it is Friday. I have one hostess that I am meeting with on Monday to get the orders that she has collected. She told me last night that she has 3 of the 5 orders that she was asked to get. I told her that she would get one item half off or 10% off of her order whichever was greater. I cannot wait to see what she gets. This will be my first order and I am going to see about using the profits to get things for my inventory. I need to get an inventory built up. But I want to find out what sell best. I am going to email my upline for suggestions. I have an amazing upline and have already gotten more support from them in the three weeks I have been with them than I did the entire time I was with Avon, Initials Inc or Thirty-One.

I am looking forward to some of the things that I have in the works. Like trying for one of the 10 parties in a day. Just have to figure that one out. I will talk to hubby this weekend and see what we can do. He will help me out. He always does.

When I leave my day job today, we are taking the kids to my mom's and leaving for a weekend of baseball tournaments and alone time with hubby. I can't wait.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Day 296-October 23, 2014

Yesterday was completely draining. I am so exhausted still but am back at my day job today. I will be sitting at home today and getting things done for MK. I have a couple of ideas. I am figuring out what day I can do the 10 party day. Where you hold two parties, five separate times per day. Just have to get my details together. I have also been thinking about 24for24in24. That is 24 orders for $24 each in 24 hours. Maybe that will generate some leads. I will also do envelopes tonight for discounts and let them chose Deal or No Deal. We will see.

Day 295-October 22, 2014

I didn't do anything. Took the day off from my day job (unfortunately don't have vacation days until the first of the year so I don't get paid...another reason I want to be a sahm) but had to take the girls to the dentist for their cleaning, then take them to school. Then I went to the funeral home for Hubby's godmother's funeral with him. I was close to her too so it was emotional for all of us. Then went to spend time with their family for a little while until time to get the kids off the bus from school. After that, I went to the doctor (ours is open late) to find out why I have not gotten rid of this cough after 6 months. The doctor got on to me for not coming in sooner. Come to find out I have severe bronchitis and said that it could have turned into pneumonia. Now I am on antibiotics and steroids. Big fun.

In hind sight I could have taken some goody bags into the dentist and the school but was thinking more about the funeral and getting there on time. It has really been a long day. Tomorrow back to official MK business.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Day 294-October 21, 2014

I have a couple of errands to run after work so when I finish those I am going to be full on MK until the conference call tonight. Then after that my favorite show comes on to help me forget about all of the crap of today. I am over this job. It is nothing but cliques here and high school behavior. I am too old for this.

I am going to look at getting some bags and ink for my printer to get some goody bags together and sit out somewhere with a sign stating to come and get their free MK goody bag. I am going to get a couple of friends that are in direct sales in my area to get out there with me.

I will work on some of that tonight and talk about it in the conference call.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Day 293-October 20, 2014

I will be taking the night off from Mary Kay. I am going to the funeral home with hubby tonight. His best friend lost his mom Saturday to cancer so we are going to show our support. My son has come back to his home base from deployment so he is back on American soil. We might get to see our granddaughter this week too. I will still be posting on FB tonight when I get home but not doing much more than that. I will be doing the same thing on Tuesday but will be going to the funeral Wednesday and then it is back to the MK business.

I am going to sit down and post and message people that I talk to on a regular basis and get people signed up for the emails to get my business going. I am also going to make a list of places to send flyers to. I have set a couple of goals and am on my way to meeting them.

1-Book 3 sales appointments
2-Get 1 recruit
3-Book 2 beauty classes
4-Get 2 new customer orders

I met with a customer yesterday to give her some order forms and a catalog to get orders with. I told her that I would give her one item at half off or 10% in free product, whichever was greater.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Day 292-October 19, 2014

I met with a customer today to give her the info for a catalog party she is doing for me. I am messaging a couple of other people to do catalog shows for me. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Day 291-October 18, 2014

I added some samples to the ziplock bags for Halloween. I am trying to figure out a few more little things to put in there.  Hubby is out of town working until tomorrow and then. There's also the picnic at the church that the kids are going to with their grandfather. I am going to clean out my car and then work on my sewing machine and work on the hand warmers. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Day 290-October 17, 2014

I found out last night about a picnic at the church this weekend so I made some goody bags to take to the ladies of the church. I am going to hand them out while I am there. I have a few more things to put in them and they should be good to go. I am thinking about having an open house one weekend here soon when I know hubby will be gone. I may talk to my cousin about doing it at her house. I am also going to start posting and messaging about doing one on one appointments. I need to get my envelope parties going.

I heard from my son and he messaged me about 1am and told me he was at the airport. It is almost a 12 hour flight from Kosovo to Ft Hood. I just hope he makes it home safe. It is going to be a long day waiting on him to let me know he has landed.

Hubby will be gone all weekend so I can work on the tension on my sewing machine and get some of the hand warmers done this weekend.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Day 289-October 16, 2014

I advertised a little last night but have a couple of things to do that I am looking at. I have decided instead of making gift bags using the Halloween ones at the Dollar Tree that I will use the Ziploc bags I have at home. They are snack size but will work. I will have my kids bring me some shiny pennies to put in there too. I will work on that tonight. Instead of getting confetti for the bags I will take orange and black yarn and cut little pieces to decorate them up. I have it all planned out.

I am also going to post my own thing about the $100 in free MK from my director on my FB page as well as on some of the yard sale groups for my area.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 288-October 15, 2014

We had a conference call last night and we have a couple of challenges. We have to get 5-6 women to do bag parties where we give them an envelope for the money and we give them a book and order form and go from there. They have to get $100 + tax from at least 5-6 of their family and friends with contact info. This will also help get the money together for more inventory so that we can go from there. Then we have to book classes off of those that order from us. Every one that books a class gets in a drawing for $100 in free product and they get their name entered once for booking and then once for every guest they invite and then the drawing will be the middle of next month.

I am also challenged to get at least 2 people over for a class to practice. I am challenged to make goody bags with info in them to hand out at the Halloween party at the church to the moms. I am also wanting to make bags up to put in baskets and ask if I can set the basket up at my cousin's salon. I also want to talk to a couple of ladies about taking baskets of goody bags to their offices and see what happens.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Day 287-October 14, 2014

I spoke to my Mary Kay director last night and we were talking about getting my business off the ground. I was talking to her about "tossing bags" and Pink Lady Bags and such. She has challenged me to do two things. I have to have two people over to do a "test" class for and get their opinions on how I did and help me get my presentation jitters gone. And I have to do some goody bags of MK and hand out at the church on Halloween. I am going to dress up and wear my MK pin and hand them out. I can't wait. Maybe this will help me get started.

I also still need to do my FRANK list again. I will do that tonight. I also want to look over the things in my kit again and go from there.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 286-October 13, 2014

I emailed an idea this morning to my upline. When I was with JuJuBelle we had this thing called Princess Parties where the parents would buy the kits and they would let the kids make their own necklaces at the parties. I want to do that same concept with my Mary Kay. I was thinking about getting together bundles and then sending invites where they would pay a discounted price for the bundle and they would come and listen to me talk about the products, the opportunity, and any specials I wanted to offer. I would have them "reserve" their spot at the party and that would be all they would pay and I would have the product on hand already packaged for them. I am also posting for the holidays that if you order for someone else you get items free and I even gift wrap it for them.

I have decided that I am going to go through my FRANK list and start it over. I am going revamp that list and then contact them about Mary Kay. Then I will start making my list of doctors offices and dentists offices as well as hair and nail salons to take "baskets" into that will have books, order forms and a contest for the hostess rewards. We will see how that turns out.

Day 285-October 12, 2014

Watched movies and curled up on the couch all day but still posted in several groups on Facebook. I thought about a few ideas for getting a customer base but don't know how to go about implementing them. That is what I have an upline for, to get ideas.

I talked to my son most of the day and he gets to come back to the state on Friday. I posted about ordering for others and getting product for free and me even gift wrapping them. Maybe I will get some hits from that. I am going to sit with my computer paper (since I don't have ink right now) and make flyers to post all over town. I am also looking at some other advertising ideas that are inexpensive or free to do as well.

I have been fighting a headache as well as not sleeping. I think it might be time to go to the doctor.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Day 284-October 11, 2014

Didn't do a lot but did make a few posts about Mary Kay. I'm planning on posting a lot today and talking to some people about getting orders for me. I am also going to post about taking baskets to the local offices. I'm going to offer a free item. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Day 283-October 10, 2014

It is finally Friday. I am going to work on getting a couple of people under me in the hopes that I can start building my team. I am going to get with my upline tonight and see what tips she has and what tips she has to get started getting orders. I am also going to work on baskets this weekend and things to get together to take to different offices. I will start making my list of salons and offices to see what I can do there. I am going to also start making a list of addresses in my area to toss advertisements to. I will then work on ideas to create advertisements to toss. Maybe look into the Penny advertisement that my upline talked about.

I am not feeling well so most of this weekend I will be resting and working from the couch. I have horrible heart burn and just don't have much energy.

I am trying to figure out what I need to put in the bags. I can go to the dollar tree in the morning and get what I need but just have to decide what to put in them.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Day 282-October 9, 2014

I did advertise a little last night but not like I wanted. I have a couple of things planned to do between now and Monday. We have had some personal issues going on. We had an altercation with my stepdaughter and with everything that is going on we find out we are going to be grandparents again. She is 17 and pregnant with her second child and neither child has the same father. We have been working with CPS and hopefully we will have custody of the baby here soon and can go for the new baby once he or she is here. It is stressful but I have my work and Mary Kay to keep me busy.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Day 281-October 8, 2014

Okay. Here is what I am working on.

  1. Referral Program: Every person that refers someone to me gets one item 1/2 off up to three people.
  2. Pick a prize: Every person that places an order over $20 gets to pick an envelope with prizes that can be anything from a free item to % off of an item or anything else.
  3. Mystery Hostess: Everyone that places an order gets their name in the hat for every $10 they spend with me. Order must be placed through me. Once we get to $225 in orders three people get a free gift from me.
  4. Phone-a-thon: From 6-9pm two nights and everyone that places an order over $30 gets one item 25% off.
I am going to email this to my upline and see what she thinks. I will also work on the things in the email that she sent me.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Day 280-October 7, 2014

I started a raffle today to get some sales going. I have also started advertising about my Pink Lady Project today. I will try to get the raffle going and see how that goes. I will sit down and see what other ideas I can come up with. Hope all goes well. Today is hubby's birthday so I will be spending time with him as well.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 279-October 6, 2014

I am sitting here at work and I am completely exhausted from not getting much sleep over the weekend. This week will be filled with not only my full time job as usual but also me talking to people about my Mary Kay business and Pink Lady Project. I was going to create an event but instead I think I am going to make a list of all of my friends on my friends list and then add them to my group and post in there. People pay closer attention to things in groups than in events anyway. Most people don't even look at the event. I am going to post about it and email about it and see where it goes. I am also going to add a hash tag to every post too no matter where I post it on Facebook. That way when someone clicks on it, they will see all of the posts linked to it. I am going to talk to some of my friends about letting me tag them in posts about the project. That way their friends will see it too. I will be talking to my upline and I want to do this Pink Lady Project twice a year. Once to have them delivered by November 17th which is my aunt's birthday and by March 16th which is the anniversary of her passing. One will celebrate her life and one will celebrate her passing. I am going to talk to my friend's wife and see if she is up for it.

Day 278-October 5, 2014

I sent an email to my upline with a little more info about what I want to do and have gotten a great response and also have thought about making fliers to post all over town advertising it. Maybe we can get this thing going. If I cut it off on October 31st then I have time to get the items I need to do make the gift bags and have them ready to drop off by November 17th. I just have one more thing to do. I had told a friend of mine that I would help his wife get her Mary Kay business started so I am going to recruit her for my Pink Lady Project. That will help both of us get our businesses off the ground. This way I can get mine going and still keep my word to my friend. I will text her today and see if she is up for it.

Day 277-October 4, 2014

I didn't work on my crafts because football was on. I had been up most of the night before because my stepdaughter was at the ER because of being dehydrated only to find out that she was pregnant again (her daughter is only 4 months old...btw) but we are going to handle whatever is thrown at us. I did, however, go over some of the videos on the Mary Kay website and look over the material some. I got an email from my upline telling me about an idea to get sales and said we could tweak it however we wanted. I decided that instead of doing an adopt a senior I would do an adopt a warrior or pink lady project. It will be getting bundles together for ladies with Breast Cancer. I am thinking about recruiting some friends to help me with this. That way I can get it going and tell them that for every order over $50 that someone places with me that an Pink Lady bundle will be donated in their name to a Breast Cancer patient to help pamper them while they are taking treatments. Each bundle will have info on my Aunt that I am basing this around and then go from there.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 276-October 3, 2014

I looked over some of the MK website last night. My kit should be at the house today and I can get started. I will spend the weekend talking to people and letting people know what I am doing now. I am going to get with my upline (my best friend) and work out a game plan.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day 275-October 2, 2014

Well, I did it. Not only am I signed up as a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant but also have my website set up. I have had enough people so far sign up for boot camp that I had enough to pay the one year fee of $30 for my website. I don't have to pay that again until October of next year. My kit has shipped so I can go from there. Now, when I get home this afternoon I am going to get my sewing machine working and then get to looking over the material on my website and see what I am looking at and what I need to know. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day 274-October 1, 2014

Well, I still have not gotten to the point where I can quit my job but still working on it. I still have not had anyone sign up for boot camp but one good thing did happen last night. My best friend is a senior consultant with Mary Kay and has been asking me to join her team and I told her I wanted to and that I was going to use some of the money from boot camp to sign up. Well, as a gift to me, because she is the best friend a girl could ask for, she paid for me to sign up. So now I am a Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay! I am actually happy about this. I love their products so why not sell them...right?

Here is what I have planned. There is another rep that is the wife of a friend of mine in this area and I am going to get with her and map out an area of "attack" (so to speak) and plan out our game plan. We are going to help each other with this. I promised her husband I would help her and I am going to do that. I am still going to do my craft business but I am concentrating on this too. I have a great leader in my best friend. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Day 272-September 29, 2014

I am having issues with getting the tension right on my sewing machine so I stepped away for the evening because I didn't want to get more frustrated. I have been trying to get my next boot camp going so that I can not only pay my electric bill but also get signed up with my friend with Mary Kay. I am still doing my crafts but I will be doing both.

I am so sleepy and stressed and I hate feeling like this. I still feel lost but have to find my way out. I am finding more and more that I need to get out of here. I am tired of being talked to like I am nothing more than the dog that wet the carpet. I am better than that. I did make it to Starbucks to get the coffee sleeve to make the teacher's gifts.

Day 273-September 30, 2014

Okay, it is the end of the month at work and I have finally gotten everything caught up. Yippee! I made my boss more money! Hope you can sense my sarcasm. I have all of the pieces cut and just have to get my tension right on the top of my sewing machine, then I am in business. I am so tired but I know I have to keep moving forward to get to my goal.

I still have my boot camp getting started. I am holding 30 spots and if I can get the money together from that I will start selling Mary Kay. I use the products, so why not sell it? I just hope I can get enough people together. I messaged my best friend last night asking her to help me get people in the boot camp to help me get signed up as soon as possible. It sucks having stress on top of headaches on top of knowing that I need to get done and not being able to get it done fast enough. :(

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Day 271-September 28, 2014

I cut all 160 pieces of fabric for the hand warmers. I have to cut to 160 pieces of t-shirts too for the inner lining of the hand warmers. I am still thinking about what to make the teachers and I think I will be making the coffee cozy. I have to get the rest of the pieces cut and then get them sewn and they will be ready to fill and be done. I have to run to Starbucks later to get the coffee sleeve for my pattern but that won't take just a few minutes to get there and back.

I have been struggling with getting my head together. I want to have be a part of something but like the idea of working for myself. It is killing me. I don't know where to turn or what is best for me. Seems like as soon as I think I have found myself I lose myself again. I don't know which direction I want to go and what would be best for me. I spent part of the night last night crying and feeling like a complete failure instead of feeling like I am moving forward. I just want to cry still today. I don't know where I am going or what I am doing. I will concentrate on getting these Christmas gifts done and maybe I will figure things out by then. If not, I may just give up.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Day 270-September 27, 2014

I am spending the day sending emails to friends that do direct sales and advertise my advertising business. I am watching movies with my girls and will be finishing cutting my pieces and will get started later on with the sewing machine. I am starting to psych myself out. I just have to get my mind around it. I always get like this when I start something new. I am looking forward to this but still worry they won't turn out right. I guess I am just a worrier.

I had a dream last night about my craft business and I had my own store front and was able to work while at my shop. I saw shelves of blankets and baby items, hangers of purses and totes, shelves of baskets and more. I also saw an area where my sewing machine was and a room where my fabric and plastic canvas and yarn stays. It was amazing.

I have been looking at several places to be able to open up and there are several places near my house that are in a busy area. I am going to make a bunch of bags up and hand them out as goody bags at Halloween and baskets for the local offices like I was talking about for the advertising business. I will post pictures of the hand warmers when I get them sewn. It will be next week before I get them filled. I have to make 40 sets but will make as many sets above that as I can.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Day 269-September 26, 2014

I cut some of the fabric squares last night and also looked on Amazon for fabric scraps. I can get a ton for just around $10-15. I also went through my friends list and wrote down all of the names of my friends that do direct sales so that I can start contacting them about the Pink Lady Bags. That is what I am thinking about calling them instead of LadyBug Bags. I am going to start sending email this afternoon but will be posting on Facebook today about who would be interested to email me. I will explain everything to them of how I plan to do it.

I am calling today and having my middle daughter added to our cell phone plan and my youngest daughter will get the phone my middle daughter is using now.

I got my daughter her phone but have to wait for it to come in. I will be leaving work in just over an hour and have a ton of things to do to prep for my sewing marathon tomorrow. I want to get as many of the items sewn as possible. I have to make 40 sets but will finish cutting everything tonight. I will be making the two coffee cozies once I get the pattern for it. I just have to figure it out. I am sure I will.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Day 268-September 25, 2014

I got out the girls shirts that don't fit them anymore and should have more than enough to do the inner lining of the hand warmers. My goal is to have them cut, sewn and ready to fill up by the end of the weekend. I might even get them filled this weekend. I am debating embroidering things on them. I still have not decided from the neck warmers or coffee cozies for the teachers. I still have time to figure it out.

I was looking on Facebook at my friends list and out of almost 1,000 friends most of them are in direct sales. I got to thinking, I can make advertising bags and give them out. I have several places that I know I can leave baskets of goody bags for people to take the bags. I can also give them out when I take the kids trick or treating and just hand them out at hubby's tournaments and such. I was thinking about it and I can get the bags at Wal-Mart, the dollar store, and I can fill them with mini catalogs, business cards, samples, mini fliers, etc. I am going to go through my friends list tonight and get the message out. I will do it for $10 per 100 bags. It is not much. They will provide me with their items to add to the bags and I will package them myself and distribute them myself. This will help get their names out there other than the groups on Facebook where they are pretty much competing with other reps for the same thing.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Day 267-September 24, 2014

I still didn't get a lot done last night except take inventory of what I have. I know I will have to get more fabric but that should not be an issue. I get paid from my day job this week so I can get more material this weekend.

Things just seem to get more and more irritating at my day job. I am going to spend this weekend figuring out what I need to do to get my name out there more. I have been giving out samples but that has not really helped me. I will talk to some of the people that were my upline at the other direct sales companies and some of the people I know that are doing well selling their own crafts to get advice on what to do.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 266-September 23, 2014

I will be honest. I have not gotten anything done this week. We have had the grandbaby and seems like that takes all our time. I will be cutting pieces tonight and will start drawing out what I want on them to embroider. I know I can get 40 done by the time Christmas gets here. I will do lizards for the boys and swirlies for the girls. Those seem to be the easiest to do and have less detail so they won't take as long to do. We will either be taking the grandbaby home tomorrow or my stepdaughter (her mother) will be coming up tomorrow. We don't know which yet.

I will also get my handbook out tonight and start looking at how to thread my sewing machine. It has been so long since I have had one that I don't remember. I love having my granddaughter but I don't get anything done when she is

I will be putting my website on the poster boards and phone number as well as putting to Google LadyBug Expression by Charity on them. I need to put the pictures of the party favors and baby name plates on my Facebook fan page as well as on my personal page. I need to make my to-do list for this evening that way I can stay focused. I have just stayed so exhausted but I know it needs to be done. After the bookmarks are done I am going to start making some of the things that are in my quilting book that I got from my Granny.

The more I look at things the more I realize that it is going to take me more than the 365 days to get to being a stay at home mom. I will get there. I just need to be able to work full time on it. I will get as many things done as I can and build up an inventory and post the small things that are easy to ship on the website but then sell the larger things at vendor shows and the flea markets. There have even been people set up in parking lots on the side of the street and I am thinking about doing that. I will make a list today of the things that I will make to sell but will not start any of them until I get the bookmarks done. I should have them done in a couple of weeks.

If I were able to work eight hours a day on it like I do my day job I would be up and running and kicking butt already but it is really hard when you are trying to get a business going that is based around handmade items. I may even talk to a few friends when I get my inventory built up and talk them into selling items for me and me pay them a percentage. I would love to start my own direct sales business. Maybe get kits That is further down the road I guess.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Day 265-September 22, 2014

It is Monday morning and I am at my day job wishing I were at home working on crafts. We still have the grandbaby for a couple of more days and I have so many things running through my head that I want to get done. It kills me that I cannot be there working and have to be here. I can pull out all of my fabric tonight after all the kids are in bed and the baby is sleeping and start cutting pieces out. I can use old t-shirts from the kids for the inner lining. That is how I made the one for my mom. I did not see my hubby all weekend because he was traveling with work and he didn't get home until after midnight last night. I saw him for a few minutes this morning before work. I hate when he works out of town.

My kids seem to wonder how I am going to get all 40 of the sets of hand warmers done before Christmas. They don't think about how fast it can go with the sewing machine. I am going to sew them and let the kids help me fill them with brown rice.

I have decided that my other blog (my crafty goddess) is going to go in a different direction. I am going to start taking pictures of the projects I do (like I have been doing) but instead of just the end product I will take pictures of the materials needed, the process, and then finished product and will explain with each project how I did it. I think I will also do that with my business fan page on Facebook. Kind of give them an insight to how I make my products so that they can see how much work goes into my products.

I am also going to take the signs that the girls decorated from my last vendor show and put my website on them and start putting them on my car when I am parked somewhere. Maybe even put them on the side windows when I am driving since I don't roll those windows down. That way people can see when they are beside me at red lights. That way I don't have to worry about it messing up my windows. I plan on trading in my car and with those vinyl decals they melt the design onto your windows and I don't want that on my car when I trade it in for a newer model later on.

Day 264-September 21, 2014

I spent the day taking care of my grandbaby and didn't get anything done other than some advertising online. I have to take stock of what I have material wise and what I need to get the hand warmers done for the kids. I also have been thinking about making the long neck warmers for the teachers. They will not be that hard to make now that I have the sewing machine. I will mainly be using it on the weekends since we have such a small area and it would be loud until I can get hubby to build me a sewing room. It would really help if I had a craft room. That way I could store everything in there and work in there and not bother anyone else in the house. Hubby will be gone on the weekends so my weeks will be filled with cutting things out and getting things prepped but then weekends will be filled with sewing and then I can also fill the items that need filled during the week and hand sew the parts closed.

I am thinking about getting the materials to make my kids and grandbaby blankets. I have the patterns for some things that would fit them. I can make one of the Tennessee Vols for my son. My oldest and middle daughter would like the girly things. My youngest daughter and grandbaby would like the Dutch Dolls patterns. I can embroider each square using the quilting patterns that I have. All I have to do is draw them out onto the fabric from tracing them off the book. I did something like that before and it turned out pretty good. I love to embroider and have always wanted to quilt. I cannot wait to get started. I know if I tell hubby what materials I need that he will go pick everything up for me (I can trust him to get things right) and that means more time for me to actually work on it.

He works weekends and I work during the week so he can pick things up for me while I am at work. But first, let's get the hand warmers done.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Day 263-September 20, 2014

My daughter had her first cross country track meet this morning and placed 98th out of 250 girls. We are very proud of her. 

I got my sewing machine today a have to get it set up. I will be cutting fabric pieces here shortly for the hand warmers for the kids' classes. We have my brother in laws birthday party later but other than that I can work on their gifts. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Day 262-September 19, 2014

I started posting on Facebook about the Boot Camp starting next weekend. I have several people talking to me about getting more info but we will see how many I end up with. I have one that is sending her money in tonight and waiting on about 30 more to respond if they are interested. I will be working on that all this weekend (with the exception of being at my daughter's track meet in the morning).

I am also going to get started on the bookmarks for the girls and get those done this weekend. Then I will get the ones done for the boys and in the mean time be looking for my crochet hook. I am bound and determined to get as many talents under my belt as possible for my business. I have been looking at some things that can be crocheted as well as sewn and will be working on those things. I am going to stop at Goodwill and see if they have any sewing machines and if not then I will be looking online for something simple to order. I am feeling positive today and have a new determination. I WILL MEET MY GOAL.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Day 261-September 18, 2014

So far no bites on the classes but that is okay. I am going to start trying to get boot camp started again this evening and try to start the kids' book marks tonight. I have to make 40 of them plus the teachers gifts by December. I am looking into a few other things to get me to my goal and to help bring money into the house.

I am also looking at some other things to do to get my name out there. There have been several hits on my website but no orders. I am going to start blasting on Facebook and Twitter that I can do centerpieces and party favors. Maybe get some things going that way. I am planning on asking one of the girls I did party favors for a couple years ago if she still has the pictures of the things I made. I am going to do some baby themed door hangers and see about posting them at the local labor and delivery departments at the hospitals.

I need to make a list of places around town and then mail fliers to them showing things that I make in the theme of what they offer. Like, doctor's offices and have things that are nurse and doctor themed or stylists and have items that are beauty themed. I have a ton of ideas but it is just getting them out there.

I am also thinking about offering a mailing service where direct sales reps email me their address and the flier for the month and I mail to the addresses around them. I think I am going to make party favors for my youngest daughter's birthday party and also send some to their Sunday school classes. I am thinking about finding out how many of the women there are at the church and making poinsettia or Christmas pins for them and have the kids in the Sunday school classes give them out. If I can do things like this to let people see what I do then maybe I can get some orders.

I am going to mail fliers and advertise lapel pins for events and things like that. I am also going to look into organizations and see if I can offer services like awareness ribbon pins and things like that. Like I said, I have so many ideas but it is just getting out there and doing them. I will also go around and put fliers on cars and find something to hang from the car window that has samples in it with a sign that says "Free Take One." I have a flag that flies from my car window so I can also hang a bag from it saying to take one. I am also going to make a sign to put on the windows of my car advertising my business. I will make a poster advertising my business and get a window visor and put it between the window and the visor.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Day 260-September 17, 2014

I finished the checkbook cover for my Aunt and gave it to her last night. She loved it. I have been doing a lot of thinking over these last few days. I am tired of being tired. I hate living paycheck to paycheck and being on welfare and still having trouble making ends meet. I am tired of working my butt off just to make someone else bonuses and commissions. If I am going to work my butt off it is going to be for me.

I decided to go ahead with the craft classes. The magic number is 11. October 11th I will have my first class. I know what I need for the packets and what I need to prepare for them. I am going to tell hubby the date today. I can do three classes on Saturday and one on Sunday and make what I make a week at my day job.

Wish me luck.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Day 259-September 16, 2014

I am almost done with the lighthouse checkbook cover for my Aunt. That will be done tonight and delivered tonight. I will finish it and start cutting out the bookmarks for the boys and get those started. I went through drive through and gave out one keychain. I will also be doing some heavy advertising tonight and getting my next boot camp set up since this is the last week of this one.

I am getting more and more stressed about things. There are things going on at my day job that make me more and more determined to get things going with my business. I need to get something going. I will be looking online tonight for things to do from home to help bring in money. I have to figure something out. I am tired of living paycheck to paycheck. I am better than that.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Day 258-September 15, 2014

I didn't do any crafts last night but I set up the fundraiser for the Pink Lady Project and did some advertising. I will start my crafts this evening after work. I am a little aggravated today and really wishing I were home. I still have a headache and feeling bad but have to keep marching on. I don't get sick days.

I set up the fundraiser for the Pink Lady Project on where everyone that makes a purchase gets a t-shirt that says Pink Lady Project and has a set of stiletto hills with pink ribbons on them. I set the event up on Facebook too. The website is if anyone wants to check it out. It will run until October 15th.

I am still looking for a place to have my classes but don't know where to start. I thought about calling some of the local craft stores and see what they charge to do it. I have been thinking about a few other places too. I am still looking for a sewing machine but am working on getting a few things done. I saw a place for rent the other day that would be perfect for my storefront but that is still a good bit away. That is my next big goal.

I am going to find a place to set up my crafts and sell them one day a month. That gives me an entire month to sell online and get things made. What I don't sell by the end of the month will be what goes up when I set up. I am going to punch a hole in some business cards and tie them to the products with the price on them. I will also be getting some discount codes together and then will put on random business cards and give out. Maybe something like that will help get orders in.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 257-September 14, 2014

Okay. I didn't get to work on anything when I came home. We ended up with company showing up and not leaving until this morning. I have my canvas out and about to start on the checkbook cover and then start cutting out pieces for the book marks. I am going to do the ones for the boys first since I know what I am doing for them. I was looking online and thinking about getting some of the tumblers and putting pampering items in them for the Pink Lady Project. Instead of bags that they might not be able to use I am going to use tumblers with the straws so that they can have something to drink out of while having treatments. There is a website called that I can use where people can buy t-shirts and the money gets donated to the cause. I am going to do an event on FB where I can get people to do it in their hometowns too. I want this to be huge!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Day 256-September 13, 2014

Heading out to the movies shortly and then back to work. I loaded up the small samples that I have into the car to hand out while I am out and about. Maybe that will help get my name out there some. Once I come back from the movies I plan to start the checkbook cover of the lighthouse for my Aunt and then move on to the kids bookmarks. I have the pattern for the superhero bookmarks but will alter it a little to make it bigger. Then I will start on the ones for the girls. I don't know if I will do the cupcakes or the cats. Still have time to decide. I will know better once I get the ones done for the boys.

I need to make more items for my samples too this week. I will also plan the next project after the bookmarks and the teacher gifts.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Day 255-September 12, 2014 is time to stop playing around. I am working on the kids Christmas gifts now but after that it is on to Christmas ornaments to put on the website. I am tired of being someone else's peasant. I am tired of busting my butt for someone else to get paid.

I am looking more into my classes. I have a few people that said that they were interested. I was also talking last night about starting a magazine to distribute to direct sales ladies with tips and more. I am also looking at something for home businesses too. I already do Boot Camp but I just feel that the magazine is going to be better but I don't know if I want to do it for direct sales reps or just home businesses in general to cover all direct sales and those that make their own product. That is something to think about.

I have so many ideas that would help me get to my goal but it is just figuring out what is best for me.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day 254-September 11, 2014

Today is the 13th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. It is a cloudy and somber day as is every year it seems. It is like Mother Nature knows what day it is. I am feeling a little better today. I did finally decide the next project I am doing. I am going to work on the book marks and the teachers gifts which will be pen holders with a teacher theme. Something simple that is not going to drive me mad making them like the stockings did a few years ago.

I did do some advertising last night and was looking at a website today about doing a fundraiser. I am thinking about doing one for the Pink Lady Project. Just have to figure out how much I am going to need to do what I am wanting to do. Let me tell you why I want to do this.

My Aunt Brenda was 62 years old when she passed away from her 2nd battle with Breast Cancer. She was mentally and physically handicapped and could not do anything for herself. The kind of BC that she had was the kind that fed off of hormones so Chemo and Radiation would not touch it. When she was originally diagnosed in 2004 she had a mastectomy and was given hormone blockers to take twice a day. You are only supposed to be on that kind of med for about 2-3 years but the doctor left her on them for longer. She was finally taken off of the meds in 2010 and was considered cancer free. She was only a week short of 8 years cancer free when she was diagnosed again with the same kind of BC only this time the meds would not touch it because her body had built an immunity to them. She lost her battle on March 16, 2013 (one day before my wedding anniversary) and I have decided that the Pink Lady Project is my way of coping with losing her. I refused to deal with it until I found a healthy way to cope. This just seems right.

I have been looking for ways to raise the money for the gift bags and I think I have figured it out but you all will have to wait and see. I am still working on getting my business going but putting all of my focus on both projects and making sure that I have all of my ducks in a row.

Once I get the bookmarks made I will start working on Christmas ornament sets to make and sell. Those will be added to the website. I am going to make a section for all holidays on my website.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day 253-September 10, 2014

I decided that my next project was going to definitely be the bookmarks for the kids' classes. I need to get them started now so that I have plenty of time to do them. I am also trying to get people for my next boot camp since there is only one more week of this one. I still want to do my classes but need to make sure I have a place to have them first. I am still not feeling well and sleeping even less than the last couple of days.

I am going to be promoting my website more too. I have some things made that I just have to start giving out. I have a pack n pull from Thirty-One that I have put up that I will put in the car with advertisements in it so that when I am in drive thru or out somewhere I can just grab one and go. I am also going to get my signs out that I used that the vendor show and start putting them on my car when it is parked. I might even figure something out where I can hang a bag or box with samples in it on my car with a sign that says take one. I have a cousin that has her own hair salon and I am going to see if she will let me put some samples out in there.

I am going to hand make a bag to hang from the car. Maybe one that I can have hanging from the window like what holds brochures. I will be looking online at designs today and start looking into that. Maybe alter a small tote to have them in. I do have a couple of small bags from Thirty-One that I might use as well.

I am going to be making a list this weekend of the things I need to do to get my name out there. No more days off from my craft business. I have to get serious and get this thing going.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Day 252-September 9, 2014

Here is the plan for today. I am feeling sick again so I am going to spend the evening trying to get my next boot camp booked and also my classes started booking. My youngest daughter is sick today and I feel like crap. Just another reason to be a sahm. I decided to make bookmarks of cupcakes or cats for the girls in my daughters' classes and super hero bookmarks for the boys.

I am going to start cutting pieces for a tote tonight if I can find the pattern that I have in my books. I think I know where it is. I might even make a wallet to match depending on how much material I have. I have also been looking at patterns for initial coasters and other things. I just can't decide what to make next.

The more I talk to hubby the more I feel I might can still reach my goal. I still have 113 days to do it.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Day 251-September 8, 2014

I am not feeling very well today so I am going to start looking at the pattern for my next project tonight. I don't know what to make but I am thinking about bookmarks for the kids in my girls' classes. The teachers will like that. Then I have to make something for the teacher as well.

I got to Face Time with my son for almost 2 hours yesterday so that helped some. I really just want to be home on the couch working on things.

I have decided that I am going to get a ton of things made and then go to the flea market on the weekends to sell my crafts. Half the money will go to getting more materials and the other half will go to putting back to rent a place when I get more things made. I am thinking about cutting out some monster parts tonight or some parts for owl cell phone cases as well.

I saw a cousin yesterday at the family reunion that I have not seen in years (since we were kids) and we were so close back then. She is battling Breast Cancer so I wanted to see her and my great aunt that is getting up in years. Seeing those two made me think last night. I have to do all that I can and stay positive to reach my goals. I cannot let a day pass me by without telling those around me that I love them. Then talking to my son reiterated that.

As ill as I feel today, I will make it a point to make one thing (at least) per week. No matter what it is.

I am still getting all of the details worked out to get my craft classes started. I want to do the plastic canvas and hand sewing and embroidery. All by hand. I will post more about the classes tonight on Facebook.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Day 250-September 7, 2014

Had a family reunion and then got to face time with my son. I am so proud of him. So you can see I didn't get anything done today. Back into it tomorrow. I think it's wonderful and it makes me more determined to reach my goal. Heading to bed a proud momma. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Day 249-September 6, 2014

Had a bad night last night. Didn't sleep. Sitting here watching the football game messaging with my son. Since he is not able to watch it from Kosovo. 

Still trying to decide what to make next. I will put it to a vote. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Day 248-September 5, 2014

Okay, I have some things on the Storenvy site and will add more as I can. Left work early today to get some things done and to get away from it before I opened my mouth. 

I am more determined than ever to get this going. Just wait until you see what's coming up next. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 247-September 4, 2014

I finished the customer order last night and will be delivering it on lunch today. I was thinking last night about some things to do and had the idea to get my name out there to just make small things to show what I can do and give them out to people I see. Like the girl in the drive thru window, cashier at the grocery store, things like that.

I am still doing my crafts and still planning on doing the classes and also my boot camp but was looking for a project to give back. I was thinking about the Pink Lady Project. I would get several ladies from all over the country to help get it started. I would be a group of ladies to make goody bags for breast cancer patients to help make treatments not suck so bad. These goody bags will be filled with things that are pink. Things like nail files, nail polish, candles, a greeting card, pink lip gloss and things like that. Just something to say that there are people out there that care. We will all be called Brenda's Warriors after my aunt that I lost last year to Breast Cancer. This will be my way of remembering her.

I will be spending most of the next few days making things like key chains, prayer in a pockets, cup of friendship tea, bookmarks and things like that to hand out as advertisements. Maybe if people can see and touch what I make then they might order more from me. I will be putting on the back of the business cards that if they need party favors or center pieces that I can do those too. I am also going to be finding small sewing projects to do and offer on my website until I can get a sewing machine. I might still borrow hubby's aunt's just to make some of the hard things. I can do that on the weekends.

My friend is still wanting me to join Mary Kay and as much as I want to I don't see me doing very well at it because I don't wear a lot of makeup. I will help get her name out there though. She is one of my best friends so I will do what I can to help her because she has always done the same for me.

I have a tissue box cover of Avon that I am going to make and a couple of things of Mary Kay that I can make too. Maybe branch out and make items of the different direct sales companies. I will see what I can come up with.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Day 246-September 3, 2014

I am almost done with my coworker's order and about ready to deliver it. I am also still looking at doing my classes and doing my boot camp. I was thinking about writing a book and trying to get it published myself and see how that goes but that is a long time from now. I have less than four months to get to my goal. After that, I will still be continuing my blog to help keep me motivated. Hubby asked me last night what I was going to do about my classes and I told him that I was still looking at all the details of it and going to do a test class to see how they go. I am going to start tonight to get the next boot camp going. Any money from here out that I make on the boot camp goes into savings where we will have it during hubby's off time.

I was talking to hubby about the classes and decided that instead of $20 I would charge $25 so that I could make sure that I had enough to still stock up on my supplies to cover the classes. Hubby was joking that I needed to sell my patterns. I was thinking about that too but don't know. I am looking for any way to get to my goal. I just need to get out of here.

This job was good when I first started here but now it is a joke. I am catching my supervisor's mistakes instead of the other way around and having to teach her more than she is teaching me. There is no room for advancement here either. I will not be stuck being an assistant all my life.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 245-September 2, 2014

I have one more tissue box cover to finish for a customer and then I am going to start talking to some people and getting an idea of how many would be interested in taking my classes. That will tell me how to start out. I would really like to do the class and maybe hold a test class. I could hold the class at the picnic area of the state park next to my house until I see how things go and then move to my house. I am also still looking for a sewing machine for some things.

My aunt told me last night that I could use hers if I needed to until I could get one. I have so many things I want to make. If I can figure out how to make things like Thirty-One makes then I will do that and offer at a cheaper price. I would like to offer what they do and then maybe offer a few items that they don't and then turn it into a direct sales company. I don't know about personalizing them though. I was given a gift of a wallet from Vera Bradley and love how it is made and they are not personalized. I might just go that route and be like that line. Seems to sell well.

I am going to start with the chap stick pouches and then the coffee cozies and then move on to the cell phone cases.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Day 244-September 1, 2014

I finished one tissue box cover for my customer and will do the other tomorrow. We went to eat at my mother-in-law's house for a cookout and play corn hole. It was really fun. I have been still running ideas through my head to try to figure something out. Someone told me that I should look at making something that you can't get at the stores. Maybe even look into a service that you can't really get from a lot of companies.

I am going to make a couple of posts here and there and see what people think. I will try to get some ideas. I still want to teach my classes but don't know if anyone would come. I think I will put some seeds out there and see what bites.

I am tired and about to crash out. Tomorrow is the second tissue box cover and then to start hand sewing items for the website.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Day 243-August 31, 2014

Sunday morning and I am about to start working back on my customer's order. I was so sleepy last night that I was out by about 11pm. I did work on the order some yesterday between spending time with my sister in law and the kids' birthday party they attended. I picked up my older child and let her watch a movie on the laptop while I watched a movie with hubby. I am still looking for ideas for something to make for my daughter's classes for their Christmas parties this year. I know it is just the beginning of the school year but to make 40 of them I need to start early. We still have to pick my younger daughter up from her friend here in a little bit.

Here are my plans for today.  I am going to work on the order most of the day. I have to post the next challenge in the boot camp this evening. I am also going to start looking for people for the next boot camp. I am also going to look for a good website to distribute newsletters and start doing something like that and sending them out. I am also thinking about starting a mailing service like some of these other companies and see what I can do. I know there are people that don't have time or money to mail things out so I am going to look into that. Maybe I can do something like that on the side too.

I am just trying to figure out something that I can do to make extra money and help meet my goal.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Day 242-August 30, 2014

I cut the pieces for the order for the tissue box covers last night and then this morning went to get a mani/pedi with my soon to be sister in law and she asked me to be a bridesmaid. Yay! It was the first time that I have ever had a mani or a pedi and it was amazing. I am so much more relaxed. Then on top of that we had a nice long talk about how to survive the mother in law. I am going to get the pattern done on one of the side pieces and then I can use the completed piece to use as a guide for the other pieces. I want to have them done and ready to deliver Tuesday when we go back to work after the Labor Day holiday.

I will get them done by then. I have faith. I still have to get the other items on the website. Then need to start advertising. I am going to add some hand sewn items too once I get some things done.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Day 241-August 29, 2014

Here it is Friday and we have a three day weekend. That means three days for a crafting marathon. I did get an order from a coworker for two tissue box covers. One is going to have blues and purples and one will be the 49er's. She has already paid me for them which is good. I can get them done this weekend and still make a couple of more things.

I am looking forward to resting this weekend and getting some things done. I am also going to plan a test class to see if I can get people interested in the class. I will still be making things to put on my website. I will just be glad when things get really rolling. I know with the cold season coming up and the holidays I can get started on some ornament sets. I am thinking about also making small ornaments for the kids classes for Christmas. I might make goody bags though. But for now I am making the order for my coworker and then making the heat cool packs, hand warmers, and coffee cozies like I have been wanting to make.

I can't wait until the day that I get to tell my boss that I quit. Not because I will be leaving this job but because I will be accomplishing my goal. Hopefully that day will not be far off.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Day 240-August 28, 2014

I went through my sewing stuff last night to see what all I have. I have a lot of material. I am going to look at what clothes we are going to toss out of the kids' clothes and see what I can make from them. I have a few things I am wanting to make but still a little nervous about getting started. I am going to start advertising my website more and see if I can get some things on there of the things I have made already. Then I will be starting to sew and embroider some things. I have several squares that have been done by my grandmother so I think I am going to start making from that. Not something I will sell because it was done by Granny but still look at a few things to make. I am going to start for sure with coffee cozies.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Day 239-August 27, 2014

Looked through some patterns last night to decide what to offer my class. Emailed a couple of friends to see what they thought about the idea. Everyone seems to think it is a good idea about the classes. I still have not gone through my sewing supplies to see what I have. I think I will do that tonight for sure and get it organized. I am going to look up patterns for the cell phone cases and try them out on my phone to see how sturdy the stitches are. I have been looking on the Wal-Mart website and saw a simple sewing machine for about $30 and that includes all accessories and supplies. Now just to get it. I might can get it this weekend. Have to see what the funding is. I need more canvas too. I have to start getting my packets in order. I need to get some things done as far as advertising and getting classes booked. We will see.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day 238-August 26, 2014

I think I have something figured out. Just have to get it in motion. Hubby had suggested a little while back that I teach my crafts as well as sell them. Here is what I have figured out.

I work 40 hours a week and bring home approximately $1930 a month. That is not much but it pays the bills. It doesn't leave much left over though.

If I do two hour craft classes on Tuesday nights, Thursday nights, two of them on Saturday and one on Sunday, that gives me 10 hours a week. Here is my math.

  40 hour week
x$13 an hours
$520/week x 4=$2080 before taxes ($1930 after taxes)

5 two hour classes=10 hour weeks
5 people per class x $20 per person=$100 per class

$100 per class
x5 per week
$500/week x 4=$2000 per month and pay taxes quarterly

Then once I am to the point of quitting my day job I can add classes during the day for sahm's.

Now I have made my material list, I have to get my business license, business cards, and find a place to hold the classes. I am going to call some of the local churches and see if they rent out rooms and see what I can do. I am also going to call some of the local businesses and see if they rent areas. I am also going to get the pieces cut out with different patterns for them to choose from so that everyone can make something to suit them.

That is my plan so far. I am sure that I will get more detailed once I get into getting started but that is what I have for now. What do you think?

Monday, August 25, 2014

Day 237-August 25, 2014

We are almost at the end of August and I still have time to meet my goal. I just have to get in there and do it. This feeling of being lost is getting put on the back burner. I will deal with that later. I am going to make it a point to finish three items per week. I don't care how small or large the item, there will be three items done per week.

I was looking at embroidered pendants. I could do those with no problem. I just have to find the pendants and chains and can get that started. I will look on amazon and see what I can find. If not then I will figure something out as far as making pendants. I was also looking at domino style pendants. I have the dremel tool to make the holes and the drill bit but just need to get the material. We will see what I come up with.

I also have an idea to run by hubby tonight and hopefully will have a wonderful new addition to help reach my goal.

Day 236-August 24, 2014

I have not accomplished anything all weekend. I did, however, drag out my sewing basket that has most of my supplies in it but have not opened it. So much for progress. I was not feeling well again this weekend but have attributed that to stress. I need to get the negative people out of my life. Just have to concentrate on the positive. I need some major changes in my life. I am going to have no choice but to put all of my attention on my little ones and my business. It is really hard when you have to it all on your own.

I have to buckle down tonight and create a few things and I have to get my items from the vendor show on my website to sell and get some business generated there. I am just so tired and to my breaking point. I will sit down tonight also and get a new game plan together. Maybe create my catalog and go from there. I want to get into something that will sell but have to figure out how to get the money together. I know I can do it if I had the money to get all that I need.

I did create a gofundme account so maybe there will be some people to help me out there. I know I can get all that I need for $1000 to get started. That would buy me a sewing machine and all the fabric, batting, and thread that I need as well as help me get advertising done. I just have to get it together. From here out everything that I sell goes into my paypal account and is not touched except for the money needed to ship the items. I have to save some money up.

I am also going to talk to some friends about helping me get the word out about my gofundme account and my website to see if I can get any bites. I need to make my to-do list so that I can get started as soon as I get home from my day job. I have to stay positive but just don't know how.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Day 235-August 23, 2014

Here it is Saturday and my stress level is through the roof. Doing a flash sale on items that I have to make a little cash. Gotta figure something out. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Day 234-August 22, 2014

Here it is almost the end of August and I fee like a failure. I have tried several things but had to give up for one reason or another. I am still doing my crafts but don't know if that is really what I want to do. I have to figure something out. Any suggestions?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Day 233-August 21, 2014

I have to admit that I hate being broke. I have items on my website, given out cards, and been advertising my website and still no orders. I guess plastic canvas just is not selling. I am going to look into other things to make and sell and other ways to make money from home. I am so tired of how things are. Baseball season is on a break with school starting back and I didn't realize how much money he was making until this break. We need that money. I hate getting paid every other week. Money is not lasting that long. Still have to get the kids school clothes before it gets cold.

I am open to suggestions of anything but direct sales. I am not falling into that again. I want something of my own but it looks like I might see my deadline before I meet my goal. Just have to get it out there more. Making my head hurt more. I keep a migraine. I hate being stressed. I didn't get my sewing stuff out last night because I am psyching myself out like I always do before I start a new project.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Day 232-August 20, 2014

I took a night off and got some rest and feel better about things this morning. I thought about some things last night and while I need a sewing machine I think I can do some things without one. I am also going to do a flash sale on Facebook to see if I can sell a few items to get them off my hands. They are my display items that are still in the trunk of my

I was looking at some of the things that I have from when I did direct sales and I think I can make a lot of the same type of items. I think I am going to try a few things. I am making more hand warmers tonight and making some heat/cool packs but will have to wait to seal them until I get rice.

I am so tired of being stressed about things. I am missing out on so much with working full time and just want to be home with my family. I can do this. I need to do this.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day 231-August 19, 2014

I am getting stressed out even more. I have been trying to market my plastic canvas crafts and no one seems to want to buy anything. I am thinking about the no sew items and polymer clay items but have to see how much that will cost to start and how hard it is to do. I am also looking for ideas that are not sales related for business ideas. I really don't want to do direct sales again. Nothing comes of it. I am tired of working for someone else. I was looking online about polymer clay ideas and I can make jewelry out of it so that is appealing to me. Just wondering if I am really that creative. I have to get something going my way or I will never meet my goal by the end of the year.

Today is my one year anniversary at my day job. I still like the job but like I said before, I don't want to work for someone else the rest of my life. I just wish I knew what to do.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Day 230-August 18, 2014

Didn't work on anything last night after the vendor show Saturday. Had to recover from the heat exhaustion. Feeling better today though. Tonight it is on to a new project. Don't know what I will make yet but thinking about making the candle holder that I have been planning out. That should not take me long to do. I am also going to take stock of the items that I have made that were at the show on display and start selling them on Facebook. Hoping to make a little cash and if I can then I will reward myself with a pedicure with my sister in law this Friday. Still looking at other things to add to my website but have to figure out the material price and decide what to price them at.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Day 229-August 17, 2014

Today is the day after my vendor show. I'm sunburnt but not in any pain. I am however fighting a headache and not feeling well. I'm sitting on the couch taking a day to myself watching a movie and watching the grandbaby sleep. This just reminds me of why I want to do this. 

Day 228-August 16, 2014

Had my first vendor show and didn't get any orders but did get some cards out there. Now just to see if any leads develop. I am going to have a flash sale sometime this week to sell off the items I have left. It was fun but I am sunburnt and feel sick from the heat

Friday, August 15, 2014

Day 227-August 15, 2014

Tomorrow is my first vendor show. I have finished the Alabama Checkbook cover and almost done with the Tennessee one. I am going to make some ribbon pins and more key fobs tonight and the candle holder too. I will be up all night but I don't care. It will get done. I can also make the key fobs and ribbon pins tomorrow while I am sitting there too. I will he talking to people and getting orders and also need to get a receipt book for tomorrow so if they pay me for an order that is customized then I will be able to write and receipt. My customer for the checkbook covers will be picking them up tomorrow at the show.

I am getting more and more nervous. I still have several things to do but it will get done. Maybe this will get my name out there. I will ask mom about printing some things for me to put in a binder so that I can show what I can make that I won't have there. Just have to breathe.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day 226-August 14, 2014

Sitting in my car on lunch working on the Alabama checkbook cover. Then to finish the Tennessee one. Getting more and more nervous about Saturday. This is a good thing. I hope.